Human Factors Analysis & Training
Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that things occasionally go wrong within business. Upon investigating the event that has happened the cause can often be attributed to "Human Error".
At Chameleogenics we know that "Human Error" is not usually the root-cause of an error and there are many contributing elements that lead to the fault occurring. The internal and external influences that affect your people on a day-to-day basis are called The Human Factors and by understanding what affects your people and by raising awareness within your teams you may be able to prevent critical errors from occurring throughout your business.
With over 20 years experience gained by working within aviation safety management, Chameleogenics can supply Human Factors Analysis and Training to you and your business.
The "Dirty Dozen" Human Factors
To learn more about Human Factors Analysis and Training click a tab below
When something goes wrong it is never a pleasant experience for anyone involved. The correct business response to an error should be to understand what went wrong, why it went wrong and how it can be prevented from occurring again.
At Chameleogenics, we offer independent analysis of the error from end-to-end. Using experience gained in aviation, healthcare and private business, we investigate what happened and work with you to develop solutions to prevent the error reoccurring.
We understand the Anatomy of an Error and the Human Factors that can contribute to the error occurring. Because of this we are well placed to offer error-proofing solutions that can protect you, your people and your business.
Chameleogenics know from experience that an early intervention into a minor fault can prevent the escalation of the error into a future major event that could damage your organisation or even put you out of business. This is why we are passionate about transferring the lessons learned in aviation onto you.
If you have had an error occur or even a recent near miss, please contact Chameleogenics for an informal and confidential discussion about how we can help you
The "Dirty Dozen"
Your business may work with a vast amount of technology but your people are not robots. Humans are unfortunately prone to making errors and this can be costly for your business.
Understanding why people make errors and what are the danger signs that may lead to making an error is the essence of Human Factors awareness. The influences that may cause a person to make an error can be broken down in to twelve main areas which are known as the "dirty dozen" of Human Factors.
At Chameleogenics, we understand how to recognise where the "dirty dozen" are influencing your people and your business. We offer full analysis and training packages that will help you and your people work more effectively and help to build a safety management culture.
Whatever your business, human-related error is costly and at Chameleogenics we have the skills and specialist knowledge to help you minimise the risks.
If you want to know more please contact us for an informal discussion about Human Factors and the "dirty-dozen"
Anatomy of an Error
When an error occurs there are normally a series of events or steps that lead up to the point of failure.
At Chameleogenics, we have experience in examining the anatomy of the error and can offer solutions for building error-proofing solutions that will help to prevent any future event occurring.
Using a range of models and techniques acquired from working in safety critical organisations, we can examine your processes from end-to-end and help you to protect your people and your business.
At Chameleogenics we know that prevention is the key to building an error free environment. By building awareness of how an error occurs, we can equip your people with the skills and knowledge that enables them to be pro-active within your business, spotting the error trigger points, which ultimately reduces errors and reduces costs.
Please contact us for an informal discussion about the anatomy of errors and discover how Chameleogenics can help your people
Training Options
Chameleogenics offer a range of Human Factor training solutions that can be tailored to meet your business need.
Our face-to-face training packages start from Awareness Level Sessions through to a Two Day Workshop offering a full psychometric profile for all participants.
In our training sessions we offer a blended approach of theory sessions and practical exercises. We focus on exploring the "dirty dozen" of Human Factors, The Anatomy of an Error and Error Proofing, building individual self-awareness and increasing team cohesion and functionality.
We also offer a range of on-site solutions which involves our Chameleogenics consultants working with you and your teams periodically over a number of weeks to help you establish and embed a high quality safety management culture.
Introducing an understanding of Human Factors and establishing a safety culture are both important elements in building high performance within your organisation and whatever your requirements, Chameleogenics has a solution that can meet your needs.
For further information or to discuss your requirements, please contact us at Chameleogenics using the button below.