Business Process Redesign
At Chameleogenics we have developed an innovative framework for delivering Business Process Redesign.
Our Chameleogenics Transformation Framework provides the centrepiece to your improvement work. Flexible enough to be deployed throughout single departments, business functions, offices, teams or the whole organisation, the Chameleogenics Transformation Framework enables your Process Redesign vision to become a reality.
Click the tabs below to learn more about each stage
At Chameleogenics we recognise that redesigning business processes is only part of the story. Successful business transformation requires your people to not only understand what the vision is, but to be able to translate that vision into their daily work.
The Chameleogenics Transformation Framework uses a "building block" approach to take you and your team on the transformation journey, from initial concept through to stabilised and sustained improvements in the workplace.
With team involvement every step of the way, the Chameleogenics Transformation Framework ensures that the transition to new efficient and productive ways of working embeds in your organisation with the minimum of upheaval.
Recognising that something isn't quite right, having a "gut feeling" that things could be better, realising that what used to be relatively easy is now difficult or, even worse, receiving poor feedback or losing customers are all trigger points for the need to change.
Knowing that something needs to change is only the start point and changing the wrong thing can be disastrous for your business, often costing money in the deployment of the wrong solution or adding resources when they aren't required.
At Chameleogenics the first thing we do is listen. We don't pretend to have all of the answers and will never try to impose a solution. Through experience, we know that the people who know your business best is you and your team.
Using our Chameleogenics Transformation Framework, we start the journey with you at the Conceptualise stage. In the Conceptualise stage we offer a range of options utilising our latest tools and techniques, ranging from one-to-one consultation, to innovative multi-layered workshops, we offer the most dynamic and efficient methods that will enable you to develop and refine your concept and vision.
Tailored to meet your business needs, at Chameleogenics we are able to draw upon our network of experienced Business Leaders, Coaches, Analysts, Facilitators and Mentors to help you create your vision and build the foundations of a successful Business Process Redesign experience.
Many redesign initiatives fail simply because the scale and scope of the work is misunderstood. Right from birth the human being is designed to be a problem solver and although this trait is admirable and should be harnessed it can also result with "knee jerk" solutions that are actually harmful to your business. Trying to go on a journey straight from concept to solution without fully understanding the route to be followed is almost certainly destined for failure and at Chameleogenics we offer you an alternative.
To prevent this from occurring in your business and to add definition to your vision, we work with you and your team through the second stage of the Chameleogenics Transformation Framework which we call Formalise.
During the Formalise stage we help you to set out the goals or objectives, define the benefits, establish the Key Performance Indicator metrics, set targets, outline timelines, confirm the scope, capture the voice of the customer and much more.
The Formalise stage is crucial in laying the foundations for the whole of the change initiative. At Chameleogenics, we appreciate that you and each member of your team will be at a different level of awareness of what is ahead and it is during this stage that we can utilise a range of team building techniques and psychometric tools to galvanise your group of people into a team that is ready to redesign your processes and improve your business.
Throughout your business you strive for a seamless process from end-to-end and hope that your customer and staff experience is outstanding at all times. Unfortunately, we know that the actual customer and staff experience is rarely as it envisaged, often causing frustration and delays and ultimately affecting your business bottom line.
Astoundingly, it is not uncommon for an end-to-end process to hide 80-85% waste within it. At Chameleogenics we have a range of diagnostic approaches that surfaces the hidden factory of waste that is hidden within your business.
Using lean and systems thinking tools and techniques, combined with a range of data collection and comprehensive analysis methods, the Analyse stage of the Chameleogenics Transformation Framework enables you and your team to understand the true value stream of your business or, in other words "what's really going on".
The Analyse stage is normally the most intensive part of the framework, so we work with you and your team guiding them every step of the way. We aim to understand fully how a product or service is delivered end-to-end and we give you and your team the skills to recognise what the customer actually experiences. Most importantly, by the end of the Analyse stage you'll be able to see where there are areas of waste, variation and over-burden that are reducing quality, productivity, efficiency and affecting the bottom line of your business.
Creativity and innovation are the key ingredients for keeping your business fresh and pro-active. Whether it is product development or revisiting your service delivery, you always look to provide the next new thing because in the competitive marketplace, you know that simply doing what you have always done isn't sufficient to stay ahead of the pack.
However, when it comes to internal processes the same creativity and innovation is rarely applied. At Chameleogenics, we have seen many large and small businesses try to solve their process problems by applying so called "quick wins", such as buying a new IT solution or creating a new department. The net result is often more process problems increasing frustrations and raising costs.
For this reason the Enterprise stage of the Chameleogenics Transformation Framework focuses on looking that the issues that have been discovered in the Analyse stage and utilises innovative problem solving tools and techniques to create the right solution.
At Chameleogenics we channel the creativity of you and your team into a focussed zone of innovation. Either through our comprehensive Innovation Workshop Events, or by a series of Innovation Sprints, we can tailor the most suitable method of idea generation to meet your needs. By utilising our wide network of specialists and dependent on the issues we uncover, we can ensure that we will be able to help you and your team generate outstanding innovative lean solutions for your business.
By the completion of the Enterprise stage and through our innovative "white mapping technique", you and your team will be able to see your new redesign and understand exactly what actions are required to take your future state from ambition to reality.
The old saying is "Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail", yet so many improvement initiatives or projects never get completed because the planning stage was skipped over or missed completely.
The Chameleogenics Transformation Framework contains an Organise stage so that solutions are planned for implementation properly. Employing best-practice project management tools and techniques, the Organise stage ensures that you and your team understand the deployment plan, items are sequenced logically, critical paths are identified and costs are controlled.
Chameleogenics will enable you to plan your benefit tracking by setting up Key Performance Indicator monitoring, providing you with reassurance that the improvement initiatives will bring you the results you want.
Whether you require full Project Management or support providing to help plan the implementation, we can offer a range of solutions to meet your own requirements to ensure that your redesign initiative is planned to succeed.
The Chinese philosopher, Laozi, is quoted as saying "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step" and in terms of implementing your solutions, the first step is often the most difficult. Being able to maintain your normal business transactions whilst changing the way you work is not easy and we know that some businesses go through the pain of identifying what's wrong and what needs to be done, but then "don't have time" to actually implement the solutions.
The Chameleogenics Transformation Framework uses the Actualise stage to overcome this barrier to success. Chameleogenics will work with you and your team to ensure that the plan developed in the Organise stage is implemented correctly and with the minimum of disruption to your business.
At Chameleogenics we can offer a range of options for the deployment of your plan. Whether it is full on-site support, or remote coaching, we have the Project Management skills to enable your redesign to become a reality. Not only that, but during the Actualise stage we will work with you and your teams to make sure that the benefits tracking plan is adhered to and reported on, giving you the business intelligence that you need to show that the business is moving in the right direction.
A neglected area of any redesign initiative is that of anchoring or sustaining the changes in place and the transition to business as usual. Without sustaining the changes there is a real danger that all the efforts of implementing a redesign will have been wasted as people revert back to the way things were.
At Chameleogenics, we believe that sustaining the redesign and building continuous improvement into your day-to-day business practice is crucial for success. Therefore, the Chameleogenics Transformation Framework's final stage is Stabilise.
In the Stabilise stage we revisit the original concept, vision, analysis and design parameters. Utilising a continuous improvement approach we embed the redesign into the business, so that you and your team understand on a daily basis how the business is performing.
Using lean and system thinking techniques we will work with your team so that they are able to make continuous improvement an everyday part of their working day. Finally, we ensure that the redesign is stable and embedded, plus any lessons learned throughout the lifecycle of the work are shared and acted upon.