Teams & Psychometrics
Within your organisation you rely heavily on people and your teams to deliver your business objectives.
At Chameleogenics we know that it is rare for high-performing teams to emerge purely due to good fortune. It takes investment in your time and leadership to create a successful team and if you are lucky enough to have one you need to continually work to preserve it.
During times of business change there may be a need to split or join teams, recruit into roles, promote staff, change team leaders or move locations. Any one of these things can de-stabilise the team dynamics and understanding how individuals may be affected is essential in minimising the impact and maintaining the high-performance that enables your business to succeed.
By utilising the latest in psychometric tools and techniques, coupled with, workshops, individual feedback and coaching, Chameleogenics can help you with a scientific approach to leading team development within your organisation.
At Chameleogenics our qualified practitioners have access to a range of psychometric tools that can help people gain insight into individual behaviours and preferences in the work environment. The profiling tools enable you to understand communication preferences, strengths and limitations, motivaters, demotivaters and how performance or behaviour may change under pressure.
Used as a part of personal development, the tools can help individual staff members gain greater self-awareness and understand how their behaviours may affect others, your customers and your business.
For the manager, the tools enables you to identify the individuals ready for promotion, can assist with recruiting correctly, aid leadership development, reduce workplace conflict and help you spot when morale needs boosting.
Blended with 1:1 feedback, coaching, innovative team-building workshops and personal development activities, the Chameleogenics scientific approach gives you and your organisation the support it needs to take on the next big challenge.
Contact Chameleogenics today for a consultation about your business needs.